
HTML markup

A simple basic HTML markup structure would be:

<!-- Wrapper -->
    <!-- Carousel -->
    <div class="jcarousel">

    <!-- Pagination -->
    <div class="jcarousel-pagination">
        <!-- Pagination items will be generated in here -->


To setup the pagination, call the jcarouselPagination() plugin method on the pagination element after you have initialized the carousel:

$(function() {
        // Core configuration goes here

        item: function(page) {
            return '<a href="#' + page + '">' + page + '</a>';

See Configuration for more information about the configuration options.

As you can see, you setup the pagination independently from the carousel and the plugin tries to autodetect the carousel.

This works best if you enclose the carousel and its pagination inside a mutual wrapper element.

If that fails or isn't possible, you can pass the related carousel instance as an option:

var carousel = $('.jcarousel').jcarousel({
    // Core configuration goes here

    carousel: carousel