How to define a custom start position

Sometimes, you don't want to start your carousel at the first item but define a custom start position.

This can be achieved in two ways: Either by listening to the createend event or by defining the start position via CSS.

Setting the start position through an event

You can set the start position by listening to the createend event and calling the scroll method:

    .on('jcarousel:createend', function() {
        // Arguments:
        // 1. The method to call
        // 2. The index of the item (note that indexes are 0-based)
        // 3. A flag telling jCarousel jumping to the index without animation
        $(this).jcarousel('scroll', 2, false);

Setting the start position through CSS

You can also set the initial position of the list through CSS and jCarousel will figure out which item to use as the start item:

.jcarousel ul {
    /* ...other styles left out... */
    left: -150px;

Assuming your items have a width of 75px, the start item will be the third item.